Cleansing Waters Wellness Center
Colon hydrotherapy on the libbe open system
We will be closed from 2/3/25-2/10/25.
Functional Diagnostic Laboratory Screenings
Functional Diagnostic Laboratory Screenings
I am very excited to be offering functional diagnostic lab screenings starting in April 2023. I have advanced training in functional lab testing, protocols and nutritional interpretation.Your body is designed to perform at 100%, and the functional approach helps to get your body started on the path of functioning at its optimal level. Whether you are experiencing fatigue, depression, or unexplained weight gain, your symptoms are not the problem; they are the result of the problem. Unfortunately, many of us spend years stuck in a cycle of trial and error in an attempt to alleviate those symptoms. I did. I had been diagnosed with IBS, Adrenal Fatigue, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and cancer 20 years ago.
Starting in April 2023, I will be taking new clients. Call and book a free 15-minute initial consultation.
The Heath Reset Program will include five core lab screenings that will look functionally at your Hormone, Immune, Digestion, Detoxification, Endocrine, Nervous, and Oxidation Systems. Most of these labs get sent directly to your home and are easy to follow. These allow us to find answers and connections as to why you are having the symptoms you are. The 5 core lab screenings are included: GI Map Screening, Mucosal Barrier Assessment, Stress and Hormone Assessment, MRT Leap 176 and the Metabolic Wellness Panel (See descriptions below.) Once I receive the test results and after a full lifestyle and history intake, I will create a protocol for you to follow for at least 90 days. We will also have monthly check-ins every 30 days for 90 days.
Total Investment: $2,500 (Payment Plans available) This includes 5 core lab screening, intake, initial consultation, protocol, supplement recommendations and 3 follow-ups (This does not include recommended supplements.):
Descriptions and A la Carte Services:
GI Map Screening: Find out what may be causing your gut issues and find solutions to heal your gut! - Stool sample
This includes markers for gluten sensitivity (anti-gliadin IgA), inflammation in the gut (calprotectin), immunity in the gut (SIgA), pancreatic enzyme sufficiency (elastase), and occult blood. It also looks for the presence of pathogens – including H Pylori and other bacteria, parasites, worms and viruses – in the gastrointestinal tract.
Investment: $670
Includes: One GI Map Screening ordered by me. intake forms, interpretation of results and recommendations in a 60 to 90-minute phone call, via Zoom or in-person meeting.
Additional follow-ups: $125 (1 hour) Test only: $470 Zonulin add-on: $60
Mucosal Barrier Assessment: This lab screening is part of the foundational labs for the Health Reset Program above. The markers on this screening are the following:
Zonulin Family Peptides (Zonulin FP)
Diamine Oxidase (DAO)
DAO:Histamine Ratio
Zonulin (pre-Haptoglobin 2) is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the digestive tract wall. Once triggered, Zonulin plays an important role in the creation of what we think of as gut “leakiness.” Histamine is an important regulator of gut function and plays a key role in the body’s inflammatory processes. Diamine Oxidase (DAO) is one of the primary ways our body makes sure that Histamine levels stay in check. This lab screening is part of the foundational labs above.
Stress and Hormone Profile: Find out why you may have noticed changes in your mood, sex drive, weight, muscle mass, energy, sleep quality and more!
Some of the markers are this screening are the following:
Progesterone:Estradiol Ratio
Melatonin (Daytime @ Noon)
Secretory IgA
Cortisol (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Night)
Cortisol:DHEA ratio
Investment: $555
Includes: 1 Stress and Hormone Panel ordered by me. Interpretation of results and protocol on the phone, via Zoom or in person (60-90 minutes).
Additional Follow-ups: $125 (1 hour)
Metabolic Wellness Profile: This lab screening is part of the foundational labs for the Health Reset Program above.
This is a dried urine test that measures levels of Indican, Total Bile Acids and 8-OHdG. These are key metabolic markers of Digestion, Detoxification and Oxidative Stress. This lab screening is part of the foundational labs above.
This test screens for hidden inflammatory responses to 176 different foods and food-chemicals.
Investment: $695 (plus the lab draw which is usually $35-$50 depending on the lab and your insurance).
Includes: One MRT test ordered through me. Results explained, recommendations for next steps based on your results on the phone or in person and 1-week support period where you can message me with any questions you may have.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Coming in late April 2023. This is a soft tissue mineral biopsy that provides a reading of the mineral deposition in the cells and interstitial spaces of the hair over a 2-3 month period.
Investment: Test only-$125 Test plus interpretation and guidance on the phone or in person for 1 hour: $295.
Remember that I do not handle insurance, but you are welcome to submit your bills for reimbursement.
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